Friday, March 27, 2009


Many of you may remember that there wasn't a eulogy at Ethan's funeral. Only one message to Ethan that was written by sweet KC. My heart was hurting at the time, but I realize now that had I so much I should have shared about my boy.

I watched several beautiful eulogies on television today and it made me miss my baby. It made me miss the life I thought he was going to live. Four men suffered unjust deaths and thousands of people came to honor them. It's a sad day in the Bay Area. These brave men graced this Earth for much longer than Ethan did so there was much to be said about their lives. The eulogies I saw today were absolutely moving.

Ethan was a baby when he passed...a week old. It was John and I who knew him best so I realize now that we were the only ones how could have delivered this important tribute. He simply did not have the opportunity to meet everyone. A little over a year later and I regret missing the opportunity to eulogize my son. That moment has passed, but I will say this...

An ordinary person does not accomplish much in seven days, but Ethan was extraordinary. Life is about not quality, not quantity. He was special in so many ways. Ethan was "just a baby", but he changed the world.

God bless those four men and my little man in the sky.

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